Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Library Source

Citation Information:

Softball. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition [serial on the Internet]. (2013, Feb), [cited April 30, 2013]; 1. Available from: Academic Search Premier.

When I looked at the Academic Search Premier database for Lane Community College, I realized that it was much more accurate as to what I was requesting. It was straight to the Encyclopedia and other sources that were more likely true information than random websites that people have on the internet. While using the internet in particular, I received the information I needed, but it was time consuming to find it. There are many different articles of personal experiences or information that are more on the topic of personal beliefs of the sport. Since it is my choice on where I get my information, I would decide to use the library databases first before I turned to the internet sources. 

1 comment:

  1. I felt the exact same about the library database. I found way better information, but it was time consuming.
