Tuesday, April 9, 2013


About a week ago, I decided to start a healthier lifestyle. When I began to think of what I could do to help myself change physically, Zumba came to my mind. I had heard before that it is a great way to burn calories, and I figured that the challenge of dancing would keep me interested. I set my mind to finding a workout partner, and found one for every day of the week after my classes. Anna and I have one another to keep our motivation. At times we laugh at each other, but that is what helps me keep the workout interesting. If there is never a dull moment together as workout partners, then we are more likely to stick to our original plan; to become healthier. Within a week, I have lost 7lbs and quite a few inches off of my body. Zumba is one of the greatest workouts for me and has improved my body, and mind. I am a very dedicated woman and I know I’m on the fast track to a healthier, happier me!


  1. That's great that you started doing zumba and that you want to start being healthier. I have seen zumba at a Relay for Life event and it looked super fun and intense.

  2. Yes, Zumba is pretty intense. I really enjoy the challenge it gives me. It makes it easier to keep my energy level up, which helps my motivation to do more things with my kids. Staying happy, healthy, and energetic are my goals in life right now.
