Tuesday, April 23, 2013

"Read and Respond #1"

When I was in elementary school, I remember feeling like it was the most important place that I needed to be. My parents always kept my enthusiasm up when it came to how necessary school is to become successful in the future. They were always able to explain to me that I would go further in life if I continue to work hard and learn a lot. Since I had the reassuring type of parents, going to school was a sanctuary in my eyes.

I would have days when I felt that school was boring or wasn’t doing anything to help me. My parents would tell me over and over again that learning wasn’t always going to be fun, but within time I would realize that without school I wouldn’t have any idea how to live as an adult. As a kid, all I wanted in life was to be “bigger” and have more responsibilities, so those things that were said to me really kept me intrigued. I remember waking up every morning to get dressed for school, knowing that I was just one day closer to becoming the adult I dreamt to be.

School was my sanctuary in elementary school and to this day I teach my children that learning is the most important aspect of life. I try to set the same example for them as my parents did for me in hopes to teach them that school is necessary to achieve dreams.

1 comment:

  1. That was the same for me too. It wasn't till I got older till I understood why the preached to me all the time. I am sure we will do the same for our kids, and they will say we are preaching to them, but one day they will understand too.
