Tuesday, April 9, 2013

"Kinesthetic Learner"

Kinesthetic learners are people who would rather be active in their learning experiences. I agree with my assessment of being a kinesthetic learner because of three specific reasons. First, within the summary of this type of learning, it states that, being hands on and staying actively involved in what is being learned will be preferred by those whom are kinesthetic learners. For example, if you put me on a softball field for the first time and have me play the game with everyone, I can guarantee that I will have more knowledge of the game rather than if I were to sit and watch it from the bleachers. When I stay active, it helps me express myself.  Secondly, it says that when coming into a classroom, it is more likely to learn if the instructor demonstrates real life examples within his/her lecture. Therefore, if the instructor shows me through writing on the whiteboard as to what information I need to focus in on, then I tend to learn much faster than if I were being read to directly from a textbook. Finally, it says that sitting close to the front of the classroom and taking notes help keep from being distracted and can help with focusing on what is being discussed. I am the type of person you will see sit really close to the front of the room and will be taking notes the majority of the class period. To stay intrigued by the information being thrown at me, I have to be active.  Being hands on while learning is the best way for me to remember what is needed in the future.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your post. To me you have all the points in order. Its really exciting to see all the different styles and how we can identify with them. Good post!

    1. Thank you Christina for your feedback. I enjoy seeing that others are reading what I post. Getting the feedback makes me feel like it is more than just an assignment.

  2. Excellent organization of your thoughts here, Brittany! I can really see how this assessment meshes with your life right now. I hope we can incorporate some hands-on learning in Writing 95 that you'll enjoy and benefit from (and it's interesting to read these two posts together -- I bet your kinesthetic preference really helps with picking up Zumba!).


  3. Thank you for the feedback. I really enjoy hearing that I'm on the right path to success in my classes.
