Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"First Graded Paragraph"

When I first started this first paragraph, I could not figure out what I wanted to write about. I looked at my options within the list of things I could chose from and decided on an event that changed my life. I started to free write about my initial idea of becoming a single mom. I finished writing and then re-read the paragraph multiple times. I realized that I actually had been describing how great my parents were to me while I dealt with the process of becoming a single mom. I started to rearrange my sentences and made it more about how this event in my life had made me realize my parents are my heroes. The peer editing helped me understand that I had a few things incorrect, such as; my formatting and a few grammatical errors with my commas and semi-colons. It has helped me make the revisions that I didn't catch on my own, which will hopefully turn into a great grade for this first paragraph assignment. 


  1. I just wanted you to know that I absolutely loved your paragraph! You're a great writer!

  2. Thank you Katie! I enjoyed yours as well, I really liked the suspense you had in your paragraph.
