Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Two Sources

Softball is a type of baseball that consists of nine players. There are a few differences, as well as similarities, when comparing baseball to softball. One difference is the distance between the pitcher’s mounds to home plate. Another is the size of the ball being thrown and what it has within it. A softball has a diameter of 4 ½ inches, and is made with a center of cork and rubber. The size of the ball has a pretty significant difference than a baseball, but the way that it is thrown has a tremendously modified. The softball is pitched underhand either slow pitch or fast pitch, while the baseball is thrown overhand. With the size difference of the baseball and softball, it makes things more sensible to through it under rather than over.  Even though there are those few differences, there are many similarities as well. Most of the equipment used in baseball is used while playing softball. For example, cleats; a projecting piece of metal or hard rubber attached to the underside of a shoe to provide traction. Bats, gloves, and protective gear, such as helmets or sliding gear are worn by both.
The team’s main goal is to score more runs than the opposing team. With a total of seven innings, each team participates in batting and fielding with each inning. This exchange of positions occur when a teach reaches three outs while at bat. To receive an out is to get 3 strikes, being tagged with the ball in glove when running the bases, or having your ball caught before it hits the ground.
I found these sources through the Google search engine by typing in, “softball rules” and “softball information.” I find this information helpful and well written. It is a short version of what the rules are, but it gives the main idea of the sport as a whole. It could help me when writing my paper, because it is a clear cut way of explaining the game to someone whom has never played or watched the sport before.

My sources are:

Women’s Sport Information, Softball., May 1, 2013.
Sports Information, Softball., 2007-2010. May 1, 2013.

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