Tuesday, May 28, 2013


At the beginning of this assignment, I had a hard time figuring out what my favorite movie was. I kept thinking about movies I had recently watched and realized that all I had watched lately were kid movies. I couldn’t really come up with any ideas until I started thinking about what the best movie was during my childhood. That is when I realized that my all time favorite movie is “The Goonies,” hands down. This movie is about Oregonian kids who adventure out to seek One-Eyed Willie’s treasure in hopes to stop their homes from demolition. The cast of this movie includes, Corey Feldman as Mouth, Jeff B. Cohen as Chunk, Sean Astin as Mikey, Kerri Green as Andy, Jonathan Ke Quan as Data, Martha Plimpton as Stef, Josh Brolin as Brand, and John Matuszak as Sloth.

At age 10, I watched this movie for the first time and I fell deeply in love with Mikey. For some reason that kid had a way of being the group leader and I thought he was super good looking as a kid. Although I had a massive crush on Mikey, my favorite scene from the movie is when Chunk spills his guts about everything but what the Fratellis wanted to hear like what he had done in the movie theatre with the fake puke he made to play a joke on everybody. That kid was probably the funniest character of the whole movie. He did many things to make his audience laugh. At the beginning of the movie, he is watching the cop chase and squeezes his milkshake cup and it goes all over his face, Mouth made him do the “truffle shuffle” just to get in the gate at Mikey’s house, he breaks Mikey’s moms statue in the most delicate spot, he thinks he’s talking to the cops when he finds the Fratellis’ hideout, and many more. The Goonies are famous for their saying “GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE,” which is said by Mikey towards the end when Andy is saying that things could go terribly wrong and every one of them have a chance of dying if they continue until the end. Andy becomes a part of The Goonies shortly after Mikey’s speech which convinces everyone to finish their adventure. This movie was made in Astoria Oregon and being able to say I know where that is and have been there before makes for another reason big enough to claim that The Goonies is my favorite movie of all time. 


  1. I too love the Goonies! I think you did a good job with listing the characters and giving some details about the movie. If I haven't ever saw the movie and read your blog, I would be interested enough to want to watch it.

  2. The Goonies is awesome! Definitely one of my all time faves. And it is also so cool that part of it was filmed up in Astoria Or.
