Sunday, May 26, 2013

Chapter 20 Write First

Cigarette companies are required to print labels on the sides of the packs to warn consumers of the possible health issues one may face if used over a long period of time. I believe by printing this on every pack sold has developed the tobacco companies a way to get away with slowly killing individuals. Its funny that I even speak of this like its something so terrible, because I am a smoker. The point is that it is done to save the companies behinds if and when there is an event where someone wants to sue for being ill or close to death. This reminds me of instances where people I know have gone out and done things they know is either illegal or dangerous, and when he/she gets hurt it becomes the products fault. Everyone loves to blame other people or things for what happened to them but in all actuality it is all because of their wrong doings. That is why things like warning labels are written all over the many dangerous things that most people continue to use. So when I think of another law that should be passed and used in most states, if not all, I think of a no tolerance law for drunk driving. Today the laws are getting stricter on what your blood alcohol level can be while driving, but why not just cut to the chase and set it to no tolerance. I feel that this wouldn't stop everyone from driving drunk, but those that do have some common sense to abide by the law would most likely take it serious. This could help tremendously with the death rate of drunk drivers. Most bar owners are probably worried that their business will fail due to a law such as this one being passed. I would propose that much like Las Vegas, cheaper alternative transportation such as a bus system could be set up for those that are drinking and don't have other transportation home.


  1. I completely agree with you 100% about how people should not get mad about their illness when it is their own fault. I think to many people try and blame everything and everyone else but themselves. I also think drunk driving should not be tolerated, along with many other things. Great idea!

  2. I agree but it all come down to who is going to pay for it. in lane co. we can't get them to pass bounds so the bad guy stay in jail. so they think they can do what ever they want.

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