Friday, May 17, 2013

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

First off, I really enjoyed reading this essay because of the unique way Gray talked about women being Venusians and men being Martians. Gray signaled the movement from the first subject to the second subject by transition words. For example, when he is talking in paragraph 19 he mentions how communication is of primary importance to women. In paragraph 20, he mentions how men get their satisfaction when achieving goals. To transition between those 2 paragraphs to the next subject he uses the sentence, “Instead of being goal oriented, women…” This is a perfect transition into the next subject, because he restated that women aren’t like men and then goes on to his next subject of women being relationship oriented. I believe that the subject by subject comparison is much more affective in this aspect because it keeps the reader intrigued. If Gray was to do this essay point by point, there would be less opportunity of getting the real life instances that kept me reading. I felt like it was an argument at some points of the essay just by the way he transitioned back and forth. It related to me and my past relationships to where I felt I had to keep reading!

If I were to add a fully developed conclusion to sum up Grays selection points, I would choose to summarize in a few sentences how men and women aren’t alike. I would also include a sentence or two that explains if women and men knew how each of us felt about things, there would be a possibility of a better life especially being in a relationship. At the same time I feel like this type of selection really doesn’t need such a conclusion. I was pleased with it as a reader because of the comparisons of both women and men. 

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