Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Write First Ch. 18

If I had the option to trade anyone places, I would have to choose Jennie Finch. She is definitely the most famous softball player of all times in my eyes. What appeals to me about Jennie is her outstanding ability to play my favorite sport. Growing up, I always thought about how awesome it would be to become a professional softball player. Since Jennie has been a three time All-American pitcher and first baseman, I have been jealous of her. Everyone seems to rather trade places with someone whom has tons of money, but for me it is not about the amount of money, it is simply for the experience to do what I love most. To be able to be the highlight of the game, the one whom the crowd cheers for and loves to watch, the one that can throw that ball so fast to strike most every batter out would be the best feeling in the world! Money doesn’t buy happiness, but doing something you love and having the ability to be good at what you do can become the greatest feeling there is in life. Jennie’s fame has turned into a great future for herself as well. She married the Minnesota Twins pitcher Casey Daigle in the year 2005 and a little over a year later they had a son. I would say she has had some really good experiences and it would be great to say that I was her for those reasons. Along with both of their great talents, they come with great looks and I’m sure you all have someone that you would rather look like. Jennie Finch is my idol for looks and talent which helped with getting her where she is today. There are some great opportunities to being known for what you do in this world and Jennie Finch has lived that dream.

1 comment:

  1. I have watch Jennie play and I think she could play on any men's team. and she would beat have of them on their best day.
