Thursday, May 23, 2013

How Facebook is Making Friending Obsolete

My social media experience started with MySpace, where opinion sharing was typically between family and friends. When everything changed to Facebook, I felt as though the ability for privacy had changed drastically. Within time my personal Facebook, without realizing, turned into a friend count of over 400 people. This is when I began to realize that what I said on my Facebook statuses were being shared with many people rather than just my close friends and family. The people I had been talking to in my mind were my close friends, but actually had turned into acquaintances. We all know our most intimate friends don’t tend to be a number higher than ten or twenty if you are lucky. So once you have a higher count of people on your “friends” list, you are allowing your personal life to be broadcasted to the world.

I agree with the writers point about Facebook. Obviously, I use Facebook. My reasons have changed overtime to be honest. To begin with, it was to stay in touch with family and friends from either high school or those that lived a good distance from me. Now, it’s almost as though I can post something of significance or even insignificance and still get a response from someone. Facebook has turned into a social media site for the people whom aren’t famous! It is almost like when a famous person gets attention by random strangers that claim to be their idols. Facebook is just another way for a mediocre individual to get noticed by anyone on their friends list or publicly. It would be silly to not think that Facebook is making friends obsolete. I continue to use it much like many others and that is to get the satisfaction that someone will respond to my statuses. It is no longer for the satisfaction of having a conversation with the ones you are closest to. 


  1. Its interesting how you mention that Facebook allows those whom aren't famous to have a moment of fame! So true! I too enjoy when I post that a random acquaintance can have some great feedback.

  2. I hope I don't let my Facebook account turn into something crazy. Right now I have 40 friends. I like it that way because I can keep in touch with just family and friends without having tons of other junk that I have to read through to get to the fun stuff like pictures of my nephews. After seeing my friends 500 people and all the posts was when I decided that's too much for me.
