Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Write First CH 34

When I think of ideal affordable housing, I hope for a kid friendly neighborhood that looks livable from the outside. A housing structure that doesn't look appealing on the outside screams "Creepy" to me! I would hate to have to live in an area that looked haunted like the picture at the top of this chapter. It isn't easy to feel good about being in the lower income families. I understand that low income means that you aren't going to get everything you have ever dreamt of, but if the outside looks descent then it helps build every one's opinions of your house as well as your own. I know some low income families that have more in their lives than a full time, hard working individual. It blows my mind knowing that some reasons for having more are that the low income people get everything paid for them. No wonder families aren't trying to get out of the lower income bracket, it keeps them from having to pay for things themselves. I feel like water, sewer, and garbage could be paid for completely without harming or spoiling the lower income people. I don't think the accessories should be paid for by the states, this includes telephone, cable, etc. Those are extra amenities that are not necessary to have to live. I would hope for an appealing neighborhood that shows everyone that good people live in the area and not to be afraid to come over and visit.


  1. It is sad that some of these low income people take advantage of the benefits they get. The system should seriously be revamped and low income housing should always be family and goal orientated offering people certain services to get them out of being low income.
